(The Book of Exodus) |
Moses tells Pharaoh to let God's people go. |
Moses was chosen by God to take a message to the
leader of Egypt, the Pharaoh.
Moses was to tell the leader of Egypt that God said, “LET MY PEOPLE GO!”
In those days God’s people, the Israelites were
slaves to the Egyptians. And the Israelites were suffering greatly. God did not like this and wanted His people to
be set free.
Pharaoh did
not listen to what Moses (and Aaron, Moses' brother) said, so God allowed
some things called plagues to happen to Pharaoh’s country, Egypt. |

Pharaoh and the plague of frogs. |
The water turned to blood so the fish died and the
Egyptians had no water to drink.
Frogs covered the nation of Egypt. They were in
their houses and beds.
Pharaoh asked for the frogs to be taken away and
said he
would let the people go. God took the frogs away, but Pharaoh did not
keep his promise. |

Pharaoh and the plague of flies.. |
Then the dust turned to small insects called lice.
But, Pharaoh's heart was wicked. He would not let the people go.
there were swarms of flies. Pharaoh was upset about the flies. So he said
he would let the people go. When God removed the swarms of flies.
Pharaoh told a lie again, and he refused to obey God. |
horses |
Next, the cows and the sheep and the horses got
sick. Still, Pharaoh would not let the people go.
Then the
Egyptians and the animals got full of soars. But Pharaoh would still not let
the people go |

Pharaoh and the plague of the hailstorm |
Next there was a big hailstorm, where large pieces of
ice fell from the sky. The hail destroyed plants, animals and the
Egyptians. But
Pharaoh's heart was still wicked and he would not let the people go.
After this there were locusts that look like
grasshoppers. The locusts ate up plants. They were all over Pharaoh’s
palace and in the houses of the Egyptians. The locusts ate everything the
hail left.
Pharaoh asked Moses (and Moses brother, Aaron, who was
with Moses while all these things were happening to the Egyptians) to take
the locusts away. But when the Pharaoh saw that the locusts were gone, he
would not let the people go. |
The plague
of Darkness and the Death of the firstborn. |
Then, because Pharaoh would not free the people,
there was darkness over Egypt for three days. But Pharaoh was still not
willing to let God’s people go.
Finally, the last plague was that the first-born son of every family would
die. |
In order that the first-born sons would not die ,
God's people were told to put blood on the tops and sides of the
door frames of each family’s house and each family was to eat a lamb.
This is known as the Passover, because the Lord passed over each house
that had the blood on the doorframes and he kept death from coming into
that house.
While all these plagues were happening to
the Egyptians, none
of these plagues happened to the Israelites, God’s people who obeyed his
Finally, after the first-born son’s of the Egyptians
died, Pharaoh let God’s people go. |
So God's people left Egypt and He showed His
kindness to them because He loved them very much. By day the
Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way
and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could
travel by day or night. The cloud also protected them from the hot sun
during the day and the pillar of fire kept them warm from the cold at
night. |

The Red Sea parts after Moses lifts his staff.
After the Israelites left Egypt, Pharaoh and his
officers were very angry that they let them go. So, Pharaoh and his soldiers
got in their chariots and chased after the people of Israel. They caught
up with them as they were by the Red Sea.
The Israelites saw the Egyptians coming and were
afraid and cried out to God. Then they blamed Moses for getting them into
this trouble. They told Moses that they thought that it would be better to
be in Egypt than to be killed in the desert.
Moses told them not to be afraid and that the Lord
would fight for them. Moses said that Pharaoh and his army would not be seen
again and that the Lord would fight for them.
God told Moses to tell the people to march toward the
sea. When they get to the sea, Moses was to point his staff toward the
sea, and a path would open up through the water, and the people would go
across on dry land. So the Israelites walked through the path that
opened up through the sea.
The Egyptians also tried to cross through the path
of dry land through the sea like the Israelites did, but God told Moses to point his staff toward the sea again. When
Moses did this the water came together and Pharaoh and his soldiers were
covered by the Red Sea. Not one soldier was left alive. |
Moses kneeling
Moses praising God
and thanking God |
But Moses and the Israelites were safe on the
other side of the Red Sea. There they sang praises to the Lord God
almighty who saved
them from Pharaoh and his army. |
Moses with the Ten Commandments |
The Israelites were free and the Lord was with them
in the desert. He gave them laws to follow called the Ten Commandments.
He also performed miracles for them like providing them food and water
when they could not find these things in the dessert.
If we obey God, He will help us and keep us safe,